Paternity tests

Paternity testing based on DNA analysis has become a routine procedure in providing evidence for the relationship between the biological father and child as well as in case of eliminating any doubt of the child’s father or mother with respect to paternity of that child. DNA paternity testing can confirm or rule out biological relationship practically with a 100 % certainty.

Bioinformatic analyses

Our team has a great experience in biology, statistics and bioinformatics. We are focused mainly on development of methods in clinical diagnostics, analysis of variants, viruses, and transcriptomic analysis, but also provide custom analysis and software development at your service.

Genetic tests

We use modern, next generation sequencing technology (NGS) in our portfolio of genetic tests oriented on identification of causal pathogenic variation. We also offer fragment analysis with capillary electrophoresis in routine practice. Here, you can consult with experts with years of experience in these areas.